Bala Town Filming Announcement

Filming to start in Bala Town.

BAI-LEY has announced a film project will be shot in the North Wales town of Bala, with filming set to begin in April 2025. The yet-to-be-titled short film is intended for festival screenings worldwide. Its theme explores the unexpected connection between a troubled young person and an elderly man.

Director Asa Bailey’s filmmaking combines professional Actors and crew with real people and locations and shooting on the streets of real towns and villages. Film critics have compared his work to the British Kitchen Sink movement, which emerged in the late 1950s and 1960s, portraying working-class life with raw realism.

Over the next few weeks, Bailey and his team will be working with local businesses, schools, and the Bala community to bring this film to life, collaborating with local actors, craftspeople, and members of the public.

Community Connect

For more information, please email the film’s Production Team at


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